Say's Phoebe
Say's Phoebe - Image courtesy of Russ Koppendrayer

By Russ Koppendrayer

We only added 9 species to our year list in March. Two things would seem to account for this; first that we found many of the early arriving migrants on the last week of February leaving few for March, and second the coronavirus pandemic which has naturally caused much less birder action in the field.

Our mega vagrant from February, the Siberian Accentor, was last seen on March 26th giving it at least a fifty day stay. Whether it has left or just not seen because no one is making thorough efforts is unknown. A phenomenal visit in either case.

Two species that are less than annual put in brief appearances in Cowlitz County this month. A Say's Phoebe was seen in  the Woodland Bottoms and a Mountain Bluebird passed through Willow Grove. I know that migration will begin to pick up steam as spring advances, but above all stay safe and healthy.

If you do find new species at home of safe forays out please document to eBird, Tweeters or send me a personal note. 

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