Black-crowned Night-Heron - Image courtesy of Becky Kent
Black-crowned Night-Heron - Image courtesy of Becky Kent

By Russ Koppendrayer

Migrants started to trickle in through the month of March and we found a few wintering species that had eluded us earlier.

The big find of the month was a Black-crowned Night-Heron. While there are previous records for this species in Cowlitz County this is the first appearance for this species that I'm aware of in the last twenty years. As it's name implies a Black-crowned Night-Heron usually is active and feeds at night and hunkers down on a day roost that can be quite hidden. Fortunately for those wanting to see this bird it was found on two mornings about a week apart and each time remained on that roost throughout the day. Word got around and numerous people got to see it each time.

Get out and enjoy the arrival of migrants whether in your neighborhood or out in the field. The pace will pick up over the next weeks.

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